
misery is the river of the world

When the weather gets warm, people come out to kill you.

I am having a harder and harder time trying to find anything good or beautiful about this city. One of my employees was walking home from the Logan Square blue line station last week and was assaulted by two "people" with baseball bats. Assaulted would be too light for this situation. He was beaten within an inch of his life. And for what purpose? Because he's white? Because he looks like he has money? Because he's a guy? Because he wears glasses? If robbery was the motive, you can punch someone and they would give you their wallet if they knew you meant business. It's not exactly the most human thing to do to beat someone unconscious and keep going with it. This kid is now in a medically induced comma in an Intensive Care Unit in critical condition. For what? The twenty bucks that may or may not have been in his wallet? What kind of a person does that to someone else?

Other recent Logan Square crimes include a man being shot in the California blue line station, a woman being raped in the Logan Square station, and a person being held up by two 16 year old girls with guns on the street. 16 year old girls with GUNS? Ridiculous doesn't begin to describe the situation accurately.

I went to visit my friend in the hospital. He's out cold and probably will be for some time. The ICU is a very cold and unfriendly place. I came to his room and he looked as though he had gotten hit by a train. It was strange to see him hooked up to machines to help him breathe, machines to keep the circulation in his limbs, machines to keep him hydrated, and completely alone.

I tried to bring him flowers but they wouldn't let me bring them in the ICU. I had to bike home with them:

I need to get out of this city.

1 comment:

Peter Cole said...

i've always wanted to work for national geographic too. and/or make a documentary