house is on fire, children are alone.
Getting back stateside was a trip in itself. The culture shock was more than I could handle, being so jet lagged and on a completely wrong time schedule... So here are my issues with the United States, as follows:
America thinks that 'obesity' is a problem. People gorging themselves, living in excess, is a social problem affecting the masses. Excess in itself is personal problem. How do you explain spas and nail salons to villagers in rural Pakistan? "So you pay how much for someone to put mud on you? I can put mud on you, we have lots of mud here!" The unnessicarity of this country amazes me. I got back to my apartment and saw all the things that I don't need. I'm donating half my clothes to charity, all the books I don't read are going to a library being built in Sudan. How little can you survive on and still be happy? It is very little. I met people in Pakistan that live in a one room house, have seven children, and do not harbor the problems I see on a day to day basis here.
The perspective gained and the faith in the west lost... I'm having trouble expressing this feeling. I am a foreigner in my own country. I feel ill at ease walking down the streets in my neighborhood. I decided when I was gone that when I come back, I should never be bored. Being a bored American is feeding into a stereotype that I refuse to be a part of. There is no reason why I should waste my time in laziness and idle whilst I am able to be alive. I've been waking up at six AM ready to start my day. I've been sewing and making box pleats in silk ribbon at 7 AM.
Coming back from this trip, I feel like a better person. Focused and more productive. This trip really affected me iin a positive way. Thank god something lit a fire under my as to do something with my endless numbered days.