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I have a tendency to arrive to any airport over two
hours early for my scheduled flight. The paranoia of getting caught up
in security lines rarely crosses my mind. Though I've had my baggage
searched, my shoes inspected, and my film canisters questioned, the
hassle has no hold over the amount of time I continually schedule for
Airports are fascinating microcosms. From curbside
check in to the bathrooms the scene is sterile. Most airports I've been
though allow you to check in by the warm friendly glow of a computer
screen. The awkward human interaction with a desk clerk has been
replaced by a few touches to asensored screen that asks you politely if
you have been keeping an eye on your luggage and if it is free of
suspicious items. The bathrooms sinks aresensored, the paper towel dispenser gives up the goods for a wave in front
of a tiny blinking light, and occasionally even the
soap has been hurtled into the digital age. The
closest you can ever come to human contact is the lady that waves a
wand over your body to confirm that you're wearing anunder wire bra and not
packing heat.
found out while traveling alone from Chicago to LA several years ago
that airports are a fantastic place to observe people. Those looks of
anticipation on people's faces waiting at the bottom of the escalator
in baggage claim. Getting to see when the traveller finally sees that
face in a crowd that they are coming home to, is wonderful. The running
hugs are the best to witness. There is somethingcathartic about
observing the people coming and going. Be it arrival or departure these
moments change people and there is something amazing about getting to
see that.
If you are planning on travelling in the US, here's some poignant advice:
you purchase weapons abroad you can put them in your
checked luggage. You can generally put ANYTHING in
your checked luggage except for items that might go up in flames or
explode. Swords, hatchets, throwing stars, and cricket bats are alright
by the Transportation Security Administration. Good advice for the
ninja on the go!
Carry on luggage is quite a different story.
The rules regarding what you may actually take on the plane with you
are ever changing and should be checked before you start packing.
Currently, theTSA has instituted the
href="">3-1-1 rule. A
traveller is allowed 3oz. or less containers of liquid or gel (usually
eye drops for contacts), a 1-quart size clearziplock bag containing
several 3oz. or smaller bottles of liquid/gel (lots of different brands
of eye drops), and only 1 of those bags allowed per traveller. For
further current information check out the
href="">TSA website.